=CloneStopper= ver 1.2 by Poolshark for mIRC 4.6 *NOTICE* This script uses a format, commands, and identifiers that were introduced in mIRC ver 4.52/4.6 - It will NOT work in 4.1. Features: * Clonestopper is a clone monitoring system that will detect non-op clones as they join a channel * Detects the 1st clone and notifies ops of the clone's nick, the nick of the owner, and site and notifies both nicks of clone violation. * Upon the joining of a second Clone, will notify ops of a muliple clone violation, ban the site and kick ALL nicks. (If you are the only op in a channel, it will skip the /onotice alert and echo to your active window.) Installation Notes: * CloneStopper uses mIRC's Internal Address List (IAL) to check the address of other people currently in the channel, be sure that the IAL is X'd in your remote section or it will not work properly. * If you are familiar with remote events, feel free to adjust the ON JOIN event to suit your needs, ie: If you have changed your default user level to something besides 1, use that. If you already have an ON JOIN event for default users, you can simply add | /clonestopper to the end of it etc.. The ON JOIN line is only the trigger, the alias is the actual script. * It will work on multiple channels, but it uses quite a bit of processing power especially in busy channels, and may slow down other events depending on the speed of your PC, lag, etc. The Script: You can copy and paste the following to their respective sections.. Event: +1:ON JOIN:#Yourchannelname:/clonestopper Alias: clonestopper { set %nopnick 0 set %c 0 :next inc %nopnick 1 if $nopnick(%nopnick,$chan) == $null goto done if $address($nick,3) == $address($nopnick(%nopnick,$chan),3) && $nick != $nopnick(%nopnick,$chan) goto clone else goto next :clone inc %c 1 set %clone $+ [ %c ] $nopnick(%nopnick,$chan) goto next :clone1 if $opnick(0,$chan) > 1 onotice $chan = $+ CloneStopper $+ = $nick is a clone of %clone1 - $address($nick,3) echo 4 $active = $+ CloneStopper $+ = $nick is a clone of %clone1 - $address($nick,3) notice $nick Clones are not allowed in $chan if you have ghost type /msg nickserv ghost nickname or message an op notice %clone1 Clones are not allowed in $chan if you have ghost type /msg nickserv ghost nickname or message an op if $opnick(0,$chan) > 1 onotice $chan = $+ CloneStopper $+ = $nick and %clone1 have been notified echo 4 $active = $+ CloneStopper $+ = $nick and %clone1 have been notified goto end :clone2 ban $chan $nick 2 kick $chan $nick =CloneStopper= kick $chan %clone1 =CloneStopper= kick $chan %clone2 =CloneStopper= if $opnick(0,$chan) > 1 onotice $chan = $+ CloneStopper $+ = Multiple Clones Detected! echo 4 $active = $+ CloneStopper $+ = Multiple Clones Detected! if $opnick(0,$chan) > 1 onotice $chan = $+ CloneStopper $+ = $address($nick,3) Banned and nicks flushed from channel echo 4 $active = $+ CloneStopper $+ = $address($nick,3) Banned and nicks flushed from channel goto end :done if %c == 0 goto end elseif %c == 1 goto clone1 else goto clone2 :end unset %clone* unset %nopnick unset %c halt } Final Notes: Like all other scripts, this is not supported by #mIRC, If you have any problems/suggestions on using this script please EMAIL me at turquidi@pacificnet.net or you may be able to track me down at #mIRC DALnet. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't change the alias, IF you do, don't expect me to troubleshoot it for you, you changed it, you figure it out Happy clone kicking :) -Poolshark